Achieve the highest level of customer loyalty with CRM

Depending on the industry, the number of returning customers can quickly reach 80 percent or more – provided you use the support of a good CRM system. With increased transparency, price-driven customers are quick to place single orders. But with a good CRM system, you can call them back at the right time, improve interaction and communication – and build a strong and loyal relationship. In this article, we will show you how you can effectively increase customer loyalty with TimeLine ERP.

All the information you need at your fingertips

As soon as a call comes in, TimeLine ERP compares the phone number with existing contacts for all business partners. A pop-up window immediately opens, allowing you to jump to the business partner’s information. In addition to the open items, you can view all related call histories and documents for customers, prospects and suppliers to help you communicate.

Eine neue Aktivität in der CRM-Software erfassen

Berichtet der Geschäftspartner etwas Neues, zum Beispiel wann welches Produkt wieder interessant für ihn oder sie wird? Oder erwähnt der Ansprechpartner vielleicht, dass er demnächst auf der Messe ist, die ihr bereits seit Monaten plant? All diese Informationen sind wertvoll und sollten als Aktivitäten eingetragen werden. Bei jeder Aktivität können Dokumente hinterlegt werden, sowie ein Bearbeiter, ein Ansprechpartner und ein Wiedervorlagedatum. Zeitgleich kann ein Geschäftspartner einem Verteiler zugeordnet werden, dessen Definition euch selbst überlassen ist.

Create a new activity in the CRM software

Does the business partner report something new, such as when a product will be of interest again? Or perhaps they mention that they will soon be attending the trade show you have been planning for months? Information is key, so every lead should be tracked as an activity. For each activity, you can store documents, an editor, a contact person, and a follow-up date. At the same time, a business partner can be assigned to a distribution list that you define.

Automatic Reminder

Activities that involve resubmission appear in your existing calendar. This means that no follow-up is forgotten and the customer, prospect or supplier receives a reminder – or perhaps even an offer – in time. The telephone link from the business partner information can be used again for this purpose. Just double-click on the contact’s phone number to initiate a call. At the same time, quotes or even orders can be created directly from the module. In the cockpit you will find all follow-ups, calendar entries and to-dos in a single module. This is clearly displayed as a list and you can react to actions at any time.

Mail merge in CRM

Once customers have been assigned to appropriate distribution lists, a serial mailing could be a good strategy. Especially for industry-specific mailings or personalized company newsletters, it makes perfect sense for customer loyalty and can be easily accomplished with a CRM. Use integrated campaigns that can be limited to a specific postal code, business partner or mailing list, to strengthen customer retention in a targeted manner.

Location-independent and mobile

Access to customer data is essential for management, field service, and sales, regardless of location. In most cases, however, not only the most important sales figures are required, but also internal documents, drawings or emails. This is where the integrated document management system comes to the aid of the CRM – and also makes all documents available in our iPad and iPhone apps. This data can also be managed completely offline. To do this, the desired customer data only needs to be made available offline once in advance. Any changes made to the customer, supplier or prospect can then be synchronized back at any time. This makes it possible to work at locations without Internet access!

Want to maximize customer loyalty with CRM?

Would you like more integration options, ways to increase customer retention, or are you missing features? Let us know by leaving a comment! All features have been developed in cooperation with our customers, from the field, for the field. For better customer satisfaction – and better success for your business.

Want to learn more about CRM or the full range of TimeLine ERP features? Send us a message using the contact form, write to [email protected] or contact our sales team at +49 212 230 35 200. We look forward to hearing from you!