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Nowadays, almost all large companies use ERP software with integrated ERP functions. ERP for small companies or SMEs, on the other hand, are not yet as established. Instead, many different programs are used to organize processes and day-to-day-business. We are talking about so-called stand alone solutions. You may be familiar with this: you use Word to write quotations, external tools as “vacation planners” and carry out calculations in Excel or Project – which involves a lot of manual effort. Such stand-alone-solutions are often an integral part of a company’s IT landscape and are generally sufficient in the beginning. Finally, many of these programs are available free of charge and are easy to use. However, as the size of the company increases, other factors come to the fore that can no longer be served by such a software mix.

Hilffe bei ERP Einführung für kleinere Unternehmen

ERP for small companies: Handle business processes more efficiently

Complete ERP solutions are indispensable and much needed these days. Business processes are optimized, organizational workflows and structures improved and adapted to corporate and market changes ever faster. More and more companies are relying on this and striving for a standardized, economical and, above all, more efficient IT infrastructure. The use of business software also offers a whole range of advantages for medium-sized companies and their projects. Modules such as merchandise management, accounting, document management and other business processes are not only mapped in a single system, but also offer integrated ERP functions without additional interfaces.

ERP solution instead of stand alone solutions: an overview of the range of functions

An ERP system normally maps the following functions of a company:

  • procurement
  • production
  • materials management
  • customer relationship management (CRM)
  • human resources
  • finance and accounting
  • controlling

A major advantage: all processes, machines and programs are connected via a common database and communicate with each other. Communication and control are made possible at all levels of the company.

Without interfaces, data loss and duplication of maintenance: ERP for small companies

In practice an ERP system for small companies reduces your IT costs because only one software is used instead of various different programs. Above all, however, an ERP solution is easy on your employees’ nerves and makes collaboration much more efficient. Everyone involved has access to the data – regardless of department or location. The data only has to be entered once and is always up to date. The information flow of a business process is therefore significantly optimized. Nothing is lost, nothing is forgotten – a smooth operational process is guaranteed. The same advantages apply to working with data backup, updating and maintenance.

One tailor-made business software, one license model, one maintenance process

Especially as a small business, you should not spend your manpower and capacities on the constant maintenance of various programs. If you opt for ERP for small businesses, implementation and maintenance are reduced to one central solution – instead of a lot of stand alone solutions. Time and costs will be greatly reduced for you. Thanks to regular updates, you always work with the latest version of the ERP software and automatically benefit from new ERP functions. Last but not least, an ERP system for small companies offers you a tailor-made solution for your company size that can be continuously adapted to your growth and needs.

Entspannung nach EAP-Einführung

The right time to get rid of stand alone solutions

You should consider implementing an ERP solution in your company right from the start. Although most processes are still manageable in the initial phase, they become more complex as they grow and then require more and more effort. Our recommendation: run your data in a central system with ERP functions at an early stage in order to maintain an overview and control right from the start. ERP for small companies is worthwhile from just two PC workstations. Start with master data maintenance at an early stage and create a good basis for your company’s growth.

Put an end to stand alone solutions – get started now with ERP for small businesses!

Would you like to find out more about stand-alone solutions or the full range of TimeLine ERP functions to better help your clients? Then send us a message using the contact form, write to [email protected] or contact our sales team on +49 212 230 35 200. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!

Whether start-ups, small businesses, medium-sized companies or large and established corporations – the benefits of the cloud are becoming increasingly popular. More and more companies are outsourcing their business processes and data to external data centers. Gone are the days when you had to worry about broken hard disks, lost USB sticks or accidentally deleting your data irrevocably. The available bandwidths are getting higher and higher and are less and less of a problem these days. This makes it possible to access large amounts of data from anywhere and, above all, quickly. But what exactly is cloud computing? What exactly happens to the data? What are the advantages? And how can you as a company benefit from an ERP cloud computing solution in the future?

What exactly is cloud computing?

Many of the terms used to describe digital innovations are older than you might think. This is also the case with the cloud. The first attempts were made back in the 1950s, but the technical conditions for implementation were still lacking at the time. Today, the concept is much more mature. The basic principle can be explained like this: Various workspaces are no longer stored on your own hard disk or the company’s internal computer but are made available via the Internet. A service provider provides you with a server in the form of a virtual data center. You can then access various applications for a fee. These can be, for example, individual programs, entire software packages, storage space or computing power. You do not need to install anything on your own computer, tablet or smartphone, all you need is access to the internet.

smartes arbeiten mit cloud-compting

What are the three forms of cloud computing?

Cloud services can be divided into three different categories. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

IaaS is the simplest form of service. It is provided and managed via the internet. The components of the infrastructure provided include, for example, servers, computing and network capacities, communication devices such as routers, switches or firewalls, storage space and systems for archiving and data security. Access is via private and public networks. You only use the services that you actually need. You can expand or reduce the resources of this IT-infrastructure as you wish.

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

PaaS is a complete development and provisioning environment. It builds on the infrastructure of IaaS and is also equipped with everything you need to develop new software. PaaS not only supports you in creating and testing an application, but also in managing and updating it.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

SaaS is a method of providing software applications via the Internet. It is provided on demand and usually on a subscription basis. You connect to cloud-based apps via the internet and can then use them. Common examples include email, calendar and office tools. The service provider manages the hardware and software and ensures the availability and security of the app and your data when you sign a contract. They also take care of all maintenance tasks, such as installing software upgrades and security patches. With SaaS, your company can provide and use an app with minimal investment costs. With all three versions, you usually pay a fixed fee to the provider, usually on a monthly basis.


What cloud computing models are there?

No two clouds are the same. There are different types, and you can choose between three models:

Public cloud

The public cloud is a service that is accessible to everyone via the internet. These are often software as a service, such as web-based email services, which are used by private end users. In the public cloud, you share a common infrastructure with many other users. However, with this model, you as a user have little influence on data protection and security aspects, as well as the location and type of data storage. In addition, network bandwidth and availability are limited by predefined service packages.

Private cloud

The private cloud is an internal, organization-related cloud that only makes its applications available to authorized users. In contrast to the public cloud, the private cloud cannot be accessed by the general public via the internet. This model relocates the cloud either to the company’s own computers or to servers from external providers. Access is either via the demarcated intranet or via a closed virtual private network (VPN). As this form of cloud computing does not have to be shared with other users, it offers a high level of data security, control and flexibility.

Hybrid cloud

The hybrid cloud is a mixture of private cloud and public cloud. It attempts to combine the advantages of both cloud models in a joint concept and can be used in a variety of ways. You can store sensitive programs and data on your own servers and use certain services via the internet with public providers to conserve your own resources. Which cloud model you should choose depends on your individual requirements. Above all, however, you should keep security and data protection in mind.

What makes cloud computing so popular?

There are many reasons to use the cloud. Three major advantages are listed below:

Reduced costs

Probably the biggest advantage of a cloud service is the cost savings. The usually costly purchase and maintenance of your own servers, as well as maintenance, backups and updates, are completely eliminated. Hardware which requires regular upgrades to keep it up to date with the latest technology, is a significant cost factor. If you use a cloud service, you can confidently leave this worry to the respective provider. The same applies to the required software. This does not have to be purchased or installed and maintained on all computers. Instead, you usually pay a fixed monthly fee to the service provider and can conveniently use their services. You can also save the costs and, above all, the time for support and administration. Your IT-team will thank you for it!


Flexibility is also an increasingly important factor in many business processes. Using the cloud also offers you several advantages here. The files you store in the cloud are always available and on all end devices. It doesn’t matter whether you are at the company or working from home, all you need is access to the internet. It is also no problem to work on a file with several people at the same time. The files are automatically synchronized so that you can access the latest version on any device. Even large amounts of data can be made available within a very short time and with just a few mouse clicks. You can expand or reduce your storage space at any time – depending on what you need at the time. This avoids bottlenecks and overcapacity.


Another major advantage is that you no longer have to worry about whether your data is secure. You don’t need a backup strategy or your own server. As a user, you also don’t have to worry about licenses or software updates. The backup is off-site, and your data is securely encrypted. The 3-2-1 backup rule is often used in this context to prevent your data from being lost. In a nutshell, the rule states that three copies of your data are created – primary storage, backup and off-site copy. Two different storage technologies are used for this and one of them is stored off-site. This distribution of risk across different technologies minimizes data loss due to system-related errors. So, if external circumstances such as flooding, theft or a fire render the data unusable, it can be ensured that there is another copy and the data is not lost.

The ERP cloud computing solution from Timeline ERP: the next step for your company

As you have read, you benefit from numerous advantages of a cloud – this is all the more true if you opt for an online ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution. With ERP cloud computing you can easily control and analyze all your processes within your company (not just in the area of production) online and in real time – with the proven benefits of a cloud solution. As an experienced cloud ERP provider, Timeline ERP provides you with the necessary ERP software in the private cloud. Alternatively, a database can also be set up on your own server (on-premise). This allows you to quickly find the best option when implementing your ERP cloud computing. We will also be happy to advise you on your choice of cloud ERP software.

We clarify all questions about your new ERP cloud computing system

If you would like to find out more about ERP cloud computing or all TimeLine ERP products and functions, please send us a message using the contact form, write to [email protected] or contact our sales team on +49 212 230 35 200. We look forward to hearing from you! In our blog you can also discover more exciting background articles on the topic of ERP and how our ERP solutions can take your company to the next level.

In the age of digital technology, documents play an important role. Almost every business receives a flood of emails, letters and receipts every day. Because each document can contain important information, they are processed and then archived. The accumulated documents are usually stored in folders. It is not uncommon for filing cabinets in the office or archive to be overflowing. When an employee needs a specific document, he or she must first go to the filing cabinet to find the right folder and the document he or she is looking for. This process takes a lot of time. But even digitally stored data is not automatically better organized. Scattered across hard drives, floppy disks, and email inboxes, it can be easy to lose track of what you have. A Document Management System (DMS) is one way to bring order back to the filing system. Used correctly, a DMS software can help you keep track of your documents and make better use of your time. An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with integrated DMS offers even more benefits.

Global data volume will increase tenfold to 163 zettabytes by 2025

The mountains of data continue to grow. This is certainly related to today’s “we store everything” mentality. Every day, we generate and share countless amounts of data. IDC’s „Data Age 2025“ white paper, published in 2017, predicts that the amount of data worldwide will grow to 163 ZBytes by 2025. To give you a better idea: A zettabyte is a billion terabytes. Many organizations believe they can solve this problem by moving to cloud-based storage. However, if done incorrectly, this will only shift the problem to another location as many employees become more careless with data and its storage.

30 percent of work time spent searching

Searching for the right documents takes up a large portion of daily work. The increased administrative and staffing burden naturally translates into high costs. As a business owner, you need quick and easy access to relevant information to make timely decisions. The issue of data storage is therefore becoming increasingly important. With the help of DMS software, a document is quickly and easily available without having to search for it. But what exactly is it?

How does DMS software work?

DMS software is a database-driven system for managing, controlling and archiving documents of all types. First, all paper-based documents, such as accounting records, are scanned and digitized. The software uses metadata on the one hand and the so-called user or primary data, which is the actual document, on the other hand. Metadata is all the information that accompanies a document. This includes information about the author, the type of document, the customer number, the creation date, or even the person responsible. Metadata is used to uniquely identify and manage a document. File metadata is stored in a database and is usually entered by the user in the appropriate screens when creating a document.


You can easily find the document you are looking for by entering a search term or invoice number in a text field. Finding a document takes only a few seconds. All incoming documents are stored in a central archive and only filed once. There are no multiple versions in different storage locations. The familiar folder structure is maintained, so you can organize documents the way you are used to. Multiple people can view and edit a document, depending on their access rights. Older versions are not overwritten, so you can always revert to a previous version if a problem occurs.

DMS can do more than just archive

The use of DMS software has many advantages on many different levels. After all, it is not just about filing data, but about managing, storing and organizing documents for the user so that they can be retrieved quickly and easily. Evaluations, reports, time records, notifications – important documents are archived securely and transparently in the software. In addition, work processes become more efficient and communication within the company is improved. When planned and implemented correctly, the software can significantly improve workflows, increase quality and reduce costs. Key benefits at a glance:

  • Centralized, secure and organized document storage
  • Easy to capture and use
  • High time savings: processing time and search for a document are significantly reduced
  • Reduced costs for storage space and paper
  • Anywhere, anytime access to documents
  • Improve collaboration within the organization
  • Increased productivity
  • Processes are traceable and transparent
  • Reliable archiving reduces risk of data loss
  • Audit-proof and GoBD-compliant storage

ERP and DMS – a coupling with many advantages

The integration of ERP and DMS has several benefits. The DMS software can capture and verify both electronic and paper documents. This makes it the perfect solution for streamlining data with ERP systems. Documents you create in an ERP system can be automatically archived in the DMS software and merged with other documents. This process is called electronic file creation. These files then contain all the information about a customer, for example. All information stored in the file is automatically indexed and tagged with metadata. This makes it very easy to search for a specific document.

Data protection

When you archive a document in the DMS software, you can set access restrictions. You can decide which people or groups can access the document and at what level. It is also possible to grant editing and reading rights. If you share a document as a link, you can also specify whether it is view-only or downloadable.

Audit-proof storage

The tax authorities place high demands on a document archive. In Germany, every company must store its documents for up to 10 years and sometimes longer. The legislator has established a series of rules and requirements. The principles for revision-safe archiving are laid down in the GoBD (principles for the proper keeping and storage of books, records and documents). The GoBD mainly refer to the storage of tax-relevant documents in electronic form, including an electronic archive or storage as digital documents in DMS software. According to the GoBD, documents must be stored in an audit-proof manner. Audit-proof basically means the “unchangeability” of documents. All documents and receipts that are archived after processing may not be changed from that point on. It is also important to note that documents created electronically must also be archived digitally.

If you would like to find out more about DMS software or the full range of TimeLine ERP functions, please send us a message using the contact form, write to [email protected] or contact our sales team at +49 212 230 35 200. We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you!

ERP and CRM systems are among the most widely used business solutions today. Their popularity is growing, and not just among large enterprises. Used correctly, they can help you and your employees simplify your daily work and make business processes more efficient. This is important because competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Not surprisingly, every company wants to look their best and be a step ahead of the competition. Once you win a new customer, you want to keep them and not lose them to the competition. If you know what your customers want, understand their needs and can respond to them individually, you have a good chance of winning the game and staying in the fast lane. But what does it take to win a customer over for the long haul?

What is a CRM system?

CRM stands for Customer Relationship Management. Essentially, CRM software provides a standardized and organized platform for managing your customers’ and prospects’ information. All the information you have about a customer is organized in one place. You can view and organize it at a glance. All interactions can be easily documented and analyzed.

The benefits at a glance

CRM software is often used when it is particularly important for a company to maintain and strengthen its relationship with its customers. All information related to a customer is displayed in a clear history.

Contact management

Every phone call, document, note, and other correspondence, as well as information about past conversations, negotiations, agreements, and long-term developments, is recorded in the software. For scheduled meetings, for example, you can create a calendar entry or view past and upcoming appointments. Orders, complaints or change requests are also stored in the software. All data is summarized in a structured user interface and can be tracked by the entire team. As a result, every employee can respond to customer inquiries competently and well-prepared, whether or not they are the actual contact person.

Enterprise collaboration across teams

With a CRM system, you can work in a more progressive, modern and effective way. Because data is stored in a central database, every employee, regardless of department, always has the most up-to-date information. When customers have problems or complaints, it is easier to deal with them because they do not have to go from department to department explaining their concerns over and over again. This is a very positive experience for the customer, which can trickle down to potential customers. Ultimately, this is how you build a good reputation, especially as a small business. The CRM system has a number of advantages, especially for internal collaboration within the company. For example, the software always knows what sales phase you are in.


Thanks to a clear sales pipeline, you can see at a glance which tasks require your immediate attention and which can be dealt with later. Reports on sales figures can also be used to improve sales strategy. For example, by analyzing all interactions with a customer, sales reps can determine the best time to contact the customer about a new product. It is also possible to develop targeted marketing strategies. For example, the customer base can be divided into different segments, such as by location or sales stage. You can then send individual messages to each segment. Project management also benefits, as structured and synchronized data allows project managers to better track processes. The CRM system also provides information on company performance. It provides real-time data, reports, graphical dashboards, and productivity metrics.

Customer satisfaction improvement

Regardless of your business or industry, whether you are a sole proprietor, a big or a small business, a CRM system will help you stay in touch with your customers, improve and positively influence your customer relationship, and build long-term customer loyalty. Customers expect more than a quality product or service. They want to feel understood. Knowing your customers’ needs will help you meet them better. Building good relationships and following up with prospects and customers is critical to winning and retaining customers. Customers who remain loyal to your company increase your revenue.

ERP and CRM system – what’s the difference?

The two systems are very similar in many ways. However, they do differ in important details, which is why they are not directly comparable. First and foremost, both systems are designed to make your day-to-day work easier. The big difference, however, is where they are used and in what areas of the business they are used. With the ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, the focus is clearly on business processes and the workflow that takes place behind the scenes. It is all about structuring and streamlining workflows and efficiently handling operational processes in the background. CRM software, on the other hand, focuses on the customer and the relationship with the customer. Increasing customer satisfaction and retaining customers over the long term, as well as managing and maintaining the customer base, play a key role. The goal is to reduce operating costs and increase revenue over the long term.

ERP or CRM – which is the better choice?

To answer this question, you should first consider what is most important to you in your day-to-day operations and what your long-term goals are. An ERP system is often used in industrial companies that manufacture products and want to increase productivity and track, control, and improve internal processes. CRM systems are mainly used when customer relations and new customer acquisition are a priority for the company. You can also maintain customer information in an ERP system. ERP solutions often include CRM functionality, but lack advanced features such as analytics, reporting, or customizable cockpits.

If you are not sure which system is the best solution for you, ask yourself if you and your employees are satisfied with the functionality of most business solutions. If so, CRM software is probably good enough for you. If not, a more comprehensive ERP system may be a better choice for you. It is also possible to combine the two systems. Linking the ERP and CRM systems can bring you many benefits, and CRM software can be easily integrated with most modern ERP systems.

Benefits of linking ERP and CRM

Linking ERP and CRM software has many benefits. Perhaps the most important is a single database for the entire company. All relevant data is available to all employees in the most up-to-date form. This allows you to respond quickly to customer requests because all important data is readily available. This increases customer satisfaction. You have a clear customer base, an overview of all previous orders, current orders and delivery times, as well as insight into outstanding payments or reminders. With information about customer ordering habits and preferences, you can develop targeted marketing strategies. It is also possible to flag key customers in the system and give them preferential treatment, for example, in terms of service and order processing.

Are ERP and CRM software a good combination, then?

The ERP system and the CRM software can be linked via an interface. It is important that the two systems are well coordinated. If they are not, you are wasting valuable potential. Here is an example to illustrate this: Suppose one of your customers wants to change a previously placed order. The data from the conversation is recorded in the CRM system. Running them in parallel without integration would result in each system having a different level of information. Employees working with the ERP system would not have the changed order. As a result, data would have to be entered and reconciled multiple times. This creates a lot of extra work, and errors can easily creep in. In the worst case, this can lead to misunderstandings with the customer.


Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all advice on which system is right, or whether a combination of the two makes sense for your organization. You have to decide for yourself which of the many options on the market is best for you and your employees. This requires patience and a sense of your company’s needs.

If you would like to learn more about linking ERP and CRM systems or about the full range of TimeLine ERP functions, please send us a message using the contact form, write to [email protected] or contact our sales team at +49 212 230 35 200. We will be happy to advise you!